Sunday, November 25, 2012

Well, this is Goodbye

Gee whiz, I thought I had 36 more posts in me, but my Google/Picasa web albums had a different plan for me. 

It appears, that I have used up all of my storage space!  I've run across this before and simply deleted some pictures from my account, and voila, more space.  Not today.  Tried as I might, no way, no how. 

I'm feeling let down.
I've been gipped.
I've been snookered.
I've been hoodwinked.
I'm down for the count.
I'm throwing in the white towel.
It's anticlimactic I tell you!

I hope you've enjoyed my 330 day journey through 2012.  It has been fun trying to figure out the daily topics.  Some were as simple as falling off the proverbial log, others, not so much.

On this 25th Day of November exactly 1 month to Christmas, I wish you all of the very best and I thank you for all of the lovely comments and your interest. 

Thank you for taking this journey with me.

Blessings to you.

Thank You!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Man of Industry

Okay, we've all seen them.  The pop can recyclers.  They are in every neighbourhood, often on trash day when the blue boxes are out, collecting whatever is in the box that may be recycled.  People who I have no doubt, for economic reasons, collect cans.  We have a recycling station fairly close by, so perhaps we see a few more recyclers than normal.  We spoke to a man a few weeks ago and he said he'd been sick, and in the time he had a route, got sick and returned to his route, someone else had taken over his.  I can't imagine our life depending on the kindness, or litter bugging, by strangers.  More power to them and God bless them.

Yesterday when we were near Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, this man couldn't help but catch my eye.  It was a bone chilling, torrential down pouring day and this gent was out taking care of business.


It is Saturday and my prayer is that this man, has a cozy place to lay his head.  We all deserve that much.

Happy Saturday!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Target Practice

My Beloved and I survived Black Friday at our local mall mainly by bypassing the busy toy stores and children's clothing stores.

We managed to find some very kind and helpful store clerks who are still, thankfully, in a joyful mood even though the beginning of the Christmas frenzy has only just begun.  We crossed some little people off our list which made both of us very happy shoppers.

As we were transversing the mall, we spotted the first official sign of Target moving in.  It seems funny to say first official sign, when really it was the long closing of our Canadian Zellers store that really precipitated Target takeover.

Recently we had been in two malls, and they both still have their Zellers, which really surprised me, because I had read that there will ultimately be several Targets coming to BC.  Perhaps ours is one of the first.

I have to say, I am a little excited about it.  A few years ago I purchased this awesome flannelet set for our queen, for only $19.95 at Target!  I know, I know, it's not PC to say I'm looking forward to the low prices, but I am.

It's official, Target Hearts Canada!

Happy Friday.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Little Ducks all in a Row

Looking up the street yesterday we spied a group of Montessori Preschoolers crossing the road at the crosswalk.  They were too far away for me to capture the picture, but they reminded me of little ducks.  Little ducks wearing bright red vests, following one of their leaders.

As luck would have it, we caught up with them in the ravine.  They were going to see if they could see the fishies in the fast running creek.  You see, this is the time of year the salmon begin their spawning and if we are lucky, we get to watch them while we stand on the bridge overhead or in the children's case, 2 at a time while a leader took them to the "shallow, very shallow" bank.   It is an awesome spectacle to behold.  Last year their numbers were amazing, this year, we've only spotted two.

Unfortunately for the little duckies, the water was running far too quickly for the salmon to swim up the West Mundy Creek but they all had a chance to go see for themselves.

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Black is Back

Today's walk kind of matched the weather mood - black.  I really shouldn't complain though, we are healthy; we can walk; and we can walk together - all good.  In addition to the partially not raining walk, we found 16 cents!  So we even got paid, it's a pitance, but it counts.

As I type this sentence, the rain is just hammering down on the skylight in my office, and . . . thunder and lighting and hail-oh my.  Whew, we dodged a bullet!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, November 19, 2012

There and Back

We are home.  It feels like a guilty pleasure having all of this time on our hands now after looking after 2 little active Grandchildren.

On our way into Vancouver we drove for the very last time over the Port Mann Bridge. (I did a post in September.)  As we got close, the fog closed in, it was as if Mother Nature was saying goodbye in her own way.

This was the scene this morning when Mommy and Daddy came home.  Four delighted family members so happy to be reunited.

Our trip home was peppered with lovely memories, of tales of exhaustion, of laughter over antics and mumblings of the horrible weather that descended upon us again.

Today, we drove on the new bridge for the very first time.  Now the old bridge is on our left.  It felt weird, and it was wonderful all at the same time.  Quite possibly the next time we take the trip, we will be paying for the priviledge, that's not so nice.

Home again, home again, jiggedy jig!

Happy Monday!