Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Adieu January!

In this day and age of technology I still find it preferable to keep a "paper" log of my walks. I can see it at a glance.  It sits right on my desk, just to the left of my mouse. 

Seeing the walks keeps me on the straight and narrow I guess you could say, but it also encourages me to keep at it.  In the past six months or so I've also kept track of how many calories I have left, and yes, on some days, overdone.  An instant visual.  I really need that.

Quite a difference in the totals from the first week, 32 miles, to the last week, only 16.5, but it's done.  In total, 113 miles walked in rain, snow, wind and sunshine. In actual distance it means I've walked to Merrit, BC with 4 miles to spare to walk around the town!  http://www.hellobc.com/merritt.aspx?gclid=CJOI38Sh-60CFcrQKgodIDuZOQ 

Not too shoddy I'd say.  I wonder where I will have walked to by the end of 2012 without packing! 

I hope you will stay on my journey through 2012.  I thank each and everyone who has spoken to me about this blog or left me comments.  Your input and support is spurring me on!

Whatever your destination today, I hope you have some fun along the way!

Happy Tuesday all, see you in February!

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Dregs of Winter

You know the beauty of a fresh snowfall is dashed when you come upon a snowpile covered in the dregs of dirt and leaves.  What a contrast to those beautiful scenes of only a few weeks ago.

 A sad, sorry mess if ever there was one!

I loved how green our mossy lawn looked in contrast to the last of the melting snowpile in our front yard.

I sure hope the only dregs you happen upon today will be found in your coffee pot!

Happy Monday everyone!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Our Eleven Sunbeams

I had to share one of my beautiful Christmas presents with you.  After a bit of a stall, we got it hung up in a place of honour in our house.  Our daughter April contacted a very talented mutual friend, Cynthia Merriman, graphic designer extraordinaire, and together they came up with this!  My sunbeams all eleven of them are listed there.  (sorry about the glare)

Note too the little red car in reference to my nickname "Motor" and the sweet little bluebird singing so joyously--that's most definitely me!  I just love this.  So thank you sweet April for such an unexpected but dear, dear gift.  I smile at it each time I walk by from my kitchen into the dining room and then into my office.  It most certainly captures my greatest joy and delight; my sunbeams, my heartworms; my Grandchildren!

To find out more about our friend Cynthia, she along with her friend and business partner Tamara, have an awesome on-line magazine, called Delish.  Here's the link, be sure to check it out:

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Joy in the Morning

Nothing but nothing could be more delightful than a room full of little ballerinas dressed in pinks, and florals and stripes and pink and black tutus.  Slippered and barefooted.  Laughing, smiling, joyful children. 

Today because our Number Two Son was working, I had the pleasure of taking our Granddaughter Abigail to her Saturday morning dance class.  I haven't been to a class like this since her momma and her aunties were little girls and had totally forgotten what fun it was!

Here are some pictures from earlier today.

 Abigail's huge big smile never left her face for the entire class!

Our tiny dancer!

After dance class we drove home, and only then did I spot this delightful sign on the blackboard cupboard!  Second only to arriving earlier in the day to find our Grandson Hudson, his sis and his Momma, April clapping at my arrival!  Now that's a welcome!

Some of Abby's art from Kindergarten for Chinese New Year

Girlie things like a pink purse for her eyeglasses, drawings, a purple water cup, a pink hoodie on the chair, a bunny, a ring and a snack bag containing pink Lego!  It seems like only yesterday that it was all about dinosaurs and Thomas the Train!

After lunch we made play dough, momma worked so hard she bent the spoon! 
(Mrs. Krisch take note of Pampered Chef measuring cups -3 for some reason, and the mixing bowl.  Got to love our Pampered Chef products!   :-)   )

One of Abby's creatures

Mstr. Hudson likes play dough too!  What a delight watching him with it.

Poke, poke, poke!

 Roll, roll, roll!

Then he practiced his motor skills of on and off the stick.  Loved his concentration!

What a great day this Nanny had!  Thanks for inviting me to play today April!

Here's hoping that your Saturday morning or afternoon brought you some joy -- spread it around -- like play dough, it's contagious!

Happy Saturday all!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ploughing Through

On our walk today we came across this artifact, embedded in concete. Stuck in the middle of an island on a side street leading to a subdivision. I suppose the sign "the homesteads" along with the poles, reminicent of Ft. Langley, possibly, and the hand held plough is meant to be paying tribute to yesteryear. 

It's all supposition on my part, but I wonder what they were thinking about presenting the plough in this way? Painted in clean, bright, white paint this plough looks as if it's orginal condition just didn't cut it!  Were they thinking it was too representative to keep it in its' original colour, perhaps rusted?  What kind of a message would that be?  That would never do to sell a brand spanking new subdivision, circa '90s.

I can't stop myself from imagining this plow when the lands around here really were homesteads, tilling the land, led by a horse or two followed by a hard working farmer. Oh the stories it could tell.  I don't know about you, but I'd love to hear them but not, the "whitewashed version."

I hope you ploughed through the week, have stories to share, and tales to tell.

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

On Our Walk Today

Today was the first day My Beloved and I were able to take our 5 mile walking route over hill and dale.  It was beautiful! 

Just down the hill from us, this brand new house, which as been in the making for close to two years, was finally getting some long over-due attention.

"Working for the Man", meet Keith who kindly posed for me!

"Down on the corner", 96th and 208th to be precise, it just so happened that our neighbour Bernice, in crossing guard garb, was assisting the pedestrians while coincidentally the Muni was out doing who knows what to 96th.  I do know they were detouring them down and around our fair city.
I know one thing about that mini-parkette across the street, there is a Geocache hidden away and waiting for me to find it!  I'll have to watch out for Muggles though!  Now, what are those coordinates again?

If your day presented some detours, I hope you spotted something unexpected along the way!

Happy Thursday everyone!

* * * * *

I was having trouble with Blogger all day yesterday, but thanks to our daughter Amy, the clever little techie in our family, I got it fixed! Hence, Wordless Wednesday posted today.

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just the Two of Us

Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning uh (The Beatles)

A very good morning indeed, I had a breakfast date, a long overdue date I might add, with our daughter, Cathy. 

I've got nothing to say, but that's okay,
Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning uh 

This line in the song most definitely does not apply!  When six children and four adults get together there is rarely more than one continuous sentence spoken before being interrupted.  We had exactly two hours and managed between bite-fulls of yummy low-cal fritata to cover topics of health, weight loss, relatives, religion, business opportunities, hopes and endless possibilities.  We were interrupted only by the kindly server who replenished our bottomless mugs of coffee.  It was a rare and special time.  The two hours just flew by, but not before we made arrangements to do it same time next month!  I can hardly wait.

Our server took this picture of us!  Thank you for the lovely morning Cathy.

* * * * *

Continuing on with the Just the Two of Us theme, sending a huge shout-out to our daughter Amy and her handsome husband, Tyler.    Much happiness and joy always as you reflect on your beautiful day three years ago today!

Happy Anniversary!
 This picture says it all!
Captured by their wonderful photographer,
Jana Frandsen

On this rain-warning Tuesday afternoon, I hope you stay cozy and  dry, or, have a wonderful rubber boots and a bright umbrella!

Happy Tuesday everyone.


Monday, January 23, 2012

It's Just Like the Movie, Not!

My Beloved and I just returned from our daily walk.  It was kind of a good news, bad news walk today.

The good news, the parking lot at our local movie house is totally bereft of snow, except for the huge piles left behind by the four snow graders.

The bad news, we had to walk around this parking lot 5 times in order to get our daily 65 minutes in!

My Beloved and I take pride in walking just about anywhere: to the movie, to the White Spot, to the bank, to the pool, to the library, to the Sportsplex, you name it, we can pretty well walk it.  The irony of today's walk, and Saturday's as well, is that we had to get in the car and DRIVE there!  I'm "miffed" (that's the polite word I'm using for your benefit) that lazy, able-bodied people have yet to tackle their snowy sidewalks.  They are a slippery, scary nightmare for we walkers.

So what's the point of the title of this blog today you ask?  Well, walking around and around and around and around and around that parking lot reminded me of being trapped in the movie: Groundhog Day with Bill Murray, it never seemed to end.  A reach, I know, but there you have it!

One of the "exciting" views from said parking lot!  Traffic is heading South and North along 200th.  If you cut a right going Southbound, you'd escape from suburbia into Vancouver!  Calgon take me away.

I hope you made an escape of some sort, no matter how short or how small; somewhere in your day!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Six Pack Sunday

Sunday morning, the alarm went off rather early for this retired old bird knowing we had to be out of the house by 8:45 today!

We drove over and picked up the Six Pack and took them to church and Sunday School.  Before we can sit down in a pew all to ourselves, there's Greeting to be done, hitting the washroom and then trying to settle everyone down for Worship. After the children's chat, Claire and Carly volunteered to collect the offering, then off the 5 girls went to Sunday School and Cameron because he's in Confirmation now, voluntarily stays with us.

After Worship, there are always lovely treats and juice and coffee and kids to play with and adults to catch up with.  Those treats are going to be the death of me.  Have you tried to limit 6 kids to 2 treats and 2 treats only?  It always seems like it's going to work, but then some little person always manages to skirt the table and help themselves before Nanny can grab them!  I read something somewhere that that's what the kids remember most about attending church, the Fellowship Hall and all the goodies!  Deep down though, at least I hope, they get this feeling of their importance in other's lives, and a general feeling of acceptance and belonging. 

After stuffing themselves silly, we pile back in the van and head back to our place for lunch.  While the kids colour, cut, glue, and create, My Beloved and I prepare pretty healthy lunches, I mean we have to try and counteract all of the sugar!  After a long lunch punctuated with a lot of laughter and yacking and wise-cracking, Nanny and Papa sit with with their coldish coffee while the kids go play in the family room with legos and other toys.  It is a short reprieve before someone wanders in and bedlam, happy bedlam, ensues once again.

Here are a few pictures from our beautiful Sunday.

A nearby neighbour's wickedly fun sense of humour.  The kids got a kick out of it.

Let's eat!

Emergency bandages always seem to be required, Coco's turn today.

 Sprechen de Deutsch anyone?

 Crazy town!

A quiet moment with Coco

Time to go home!  I specifically requested that they not walk in the snowbanks, so when I was locking the door, what do I turn around and see? Ya, 7 of them mushing in the snow.  What the heck, photo op!

Delivered home safe and sound.  The house is extremely quiet-ahhh-and when I post this blog, this Nanny's going to have a long winter's nap.

I sure hope you had some laughter, some sweets, and a nap too on this rainy Lowermainland Sunday.

Peace Out!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Promise of the Seasons to Come

Each and every Winter when I think about the dormant bulbs beneath the soil, I am still amazed when the green sprouts appear.  This year is no exception.  Escaping the cold, white blanket of snow, the promise of Spring returns just waiting for its' chance at glory.

When I snapped this picture this morning, I realized they are not only amazing, but they've grown since I spotted them on January 12th.

The Force that Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower
A poem by Dylan Thomas
Copied from:
A Little Treasury of Modern Poetry, Charles Schribner and Sons, 1952

First Verse:

The force that through the green fuse drives the flower
Drives my green age; that blasts the roots of trees
Is my destroyer.
And I am dumb to tell the crooked rose
My youth is bent by the same wintry fever.

* * * * *

In time these Autumn Crocuses will be a green carpet, only to die off and become the most beautiful Fall flowers.

Like these

May your green fuse be used for something spectacular!

Happy Saturday everyone.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Snow Be Gone--Please

As I'm downloading this morning's pictures we in the Fraser Valley are under a frozen rain warning.  This occurs when the warm air wishes to return and yet it's bloody cold outside down here on the ground.  In fact, as I was taking two of these pictures, the temperature was finally at Zero and the rain was hitting my face.

Ever the blythe spirit though, My Beloved was out shovelling the driveway and the pathway that runs from our street over to the next.  I dashed outside and took these two photos (that's my excuse for the bluriness!)

But first, the view from my kitchen window this Wintery morning

My Hero!

Can you see him giving the snow the old heave-ho? 

"Dooo, do, do, doodo, out my "front" door!"
with apologies to,Credence Clear Water Revival

We are still in the early stages of Winter, and as lovely as it has been, I look forward to the green that lies beneath.

Be safe everyone, treachery lies afoot around here.  Happy Friday!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Life Imitates Art or Vice Versa

Yesterday when My Beloved and I were out walking on the relatively snow free parking lot of the local movie complex, seeing tire tracks in the snow, he recalled a drawing he had done in sketch book from his old Vancouver School of Art days.  That got me to thinking about today's picture(s) and how I might go about incorporating it into today's blog.

Incorporate I did.  Here's the drawing, circa 1962.  I can tell you his teacher liked it, because there is a wee pencilled "x" in the corner.  If you look closely you can see it on the bottom left.

He drew this scene from the second floor window of the old elementary school that housed the first year art students.  A piece of trivia:  the car second from the bottom was his old '53 Chevy.  The same one we had when we got married.

Snow bound car in the neighbourhood. 

Let's make tracks!

I hope the tracks you made today navigated you home safely!

Happy Thursday everyone. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

True Confessions!

Today I celebrate exactly one year of finally taking care of myself. Putting myself and my needs first.  I was so very unhappy with myself. I weighed 210 pounds and my BMI was at 32.  I'd go to bed each and every night and wonder how the heck was I ever going to lose a pound, never mind however many I really needed to lose. Read:  don't even bother getting on that scale, you already know you are way over what you should be.   I'd walk past stores in the mall and berate myself with negative, (deservedly so, I might add) statements, "forget it",  "you'll never, EVER be able to find anything in your size in there", "aw, what a cute dress, too bad fat cow that you'll not be wearing that, now or ever"! 

After much soul-searching, mulling, and thinking, enter:

Our daughter Amy who told me about this wonderful site: 
myfitnesspal.com  She encouraged me to look into it, and I listened. She was of course, right.  It's a wonderful tool and it works. Thank You Amy!

Our daughter Cathy who started a FB group last January inviting those who wanted to get fit and have support, to come join the party.  It took me 17 days to talk myself into it.  And I said to myself, I said:  "what are you waiting for?"  you know you'll be sorry you didn't go for it come next November.  And, I would have been.  Thank You Cathy and all of the encouragers on that site!

While handing out the Thank You's; I thank our Daughter April who has been so very supportive of my weight loss, ad nauseaum, I'm sure.   Thank you April!  Then there is my Beloved, who walked with me every day, listened to my success and failures, he was there when I was discouraged and he supported me. Thank you dear one.   It would have been so darn hard, no, I think impossible, without the love and encouragement of my immediate family.  How did I get so lucky?

My journey is far from over, but not as far as it was on January 18, 2011.  I still have the "freshman 15" to lose, but it will happen.  Today I weigh 164 pounds, down 46, my BMI is at 25, only .1% off normal, and I've lost about 22% of my original weight.

My wardrobe has shrunk considerably, I have a mound of clothes that no longer fit. I can visualize shopping at a regular store, but most of all, I'm healthier, I've lowered my chances of diabetes, high blood pressure and who knows what else. I have 11 beautiful Grandchildren who need running after and running with and with a little luck, I'll be around a long, long time to see them thrive and flourish.

I feel so much happier within myself. I'm proud of what I've accomplished, and I actually like some of the pictures that have been taken of me on this adventure.

Speaking of pictures, here are a few pictures my Beloved took of me today wearing my dress slacks from Christmas 2011.

 Life is good!

Happy Wednesday Everyone, thanks for listening to my true confessions!