Today I celebrate exactly one year of finally taking care of myself. Putting myself and my needs first. I was so very unhappy with myself. I weighed 210 pounds and my BMI was at 32. I'd go to bed each and every night and wonder how the heck was I ever going to lose a pound, never mind however many I really needed to lose. Read: don't even bother getting on that scale, you already know you are way over what you should be. I'd walk past stores in the mall and berate myself with negative, (deservedly so, I might add) statements, "forget it", "you'll never, EVER be able to find anything in your size in there", "aw, what a cute dress, too bad fat cow that you'll not be wearing that, now or ever"!
After much soul-searching, mulling, and thinking, enter:
Our daughter Amy who told me about this wonderful site: She encouraged me to look into it, and I listened. She was of course, right. It's a wonderful tool and it works. Thank You Amy!
Our daughter Cathy who started a FB group last January inviting those who wanted to get fit and have support, to come join the party. It took me 17 days to talk myself into it. And I said to myself, I said: "what are you waiting for?" you know you'll be sorry you didn't go for it come next November. And, I would have been. Thank You Cathy and all of the encouragers on that site!
While handing out the Thank You's; I thank our Daughter April who has been so very supportive of my weight loss, ad nauseaum, I'm sure. Thank you April! Then there is my Beloved, who walked with me every day, listened to my success and failures, he was there when I was discouraged and he supported me. Thank you dear one. It would have been so darn hard, no, I think impossible, without the love and encouragement of my immediate family. How did I get so lucky?
My journey is far from over, but not as far as it was on January 18, 2011. I still have the "freshman 15" to lose, but it will happen. Today I weigh 164 pounds, down 46, my BMI is at 25, only .1% off normal, and I've lost about 22% of my original weight.
My wardrobe has shrunk considerably, I have a mound of clothes that no longer fit. I can visualize shopping at a regular store, but most of all, I'm healthier, I've lowered my chances of diabetes, high blood pressure and who knows what else. I have 11 beautiful Grandchildren who need running after and running with and with a little luck, I'll be around a long, long time to see them thrive and flourish.
I feel so much happier within myself. I'm proud of what I've accomplished, and I actually like some of the pictures that have been taken of me on this adventure.
Speaking of pictures, here are a few pictures my Beloved took of me today wearing my dress slacks from Christmas 2011.
Life is good!
Happy Wednesday Everyone, thanks for listening to my true confessions!