Thursday, May 10, 2012

I'm Off!

Off to convention that is.

I am the elected delegate from St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Maple Ridge to the BC Synod Convention in New Westminster.

I'm all set.  The report I wrote for Specialized Ministries is in the binder.   I've read 99% of the Bulletin of Reports, the other 1% I will finish up tonight. I've got my backback, my candies to share,  a water bottle for thirst, my bag packed and my hotel room for tonight is booked and waiting.

As I haven't mastered the art of uploading pictures from my iPod to Blogger, if there is in fact a way to do so, text yes, pictures no,I won't be checking in until Monday sometime.

In the meantime, I  wish all of the beautiful and busy Mothers and Aunties and Grannys and Omas and Women Everywhere, a Very Happy Mother's Day on Sunday.

Happy Thursday
Happy Friday
Happy Saturday
Happy Sunday!

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