Sunday, June 24, 2012

As The Grains of Wheat

On our way to our "kid's house", close by, we usually get stopped at the light on Crush Crescent and Glover Road, or by the train, and sitting right there to our right, is grainery. 

We've often seen the trains loading up and when they do, you see clouds of wheat flying.  Also flying around are birds, tons of birds, mainly the pigeons waiting to get their fill, if only those darn trains would just move one.  In fact, there are so many pigeons there they have set up a catch and release program right on top of the structure, so I figure they must find them a nuisance.

Being a former "city slicker" I find all of this fascinating.  It's quite a simple operation and one so close to home.

Think about this when you consume your daily bread, the very bread you toasted this morning may have "originated" right in our backyard!

Happy Sunday!

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