We/I, listen mainly to CBC Radio, and often at the end of an interview they will ask the guest, "What are you reading this Summer?" They give some interesting answers, and if I'm driving in the car, or worse, driving the car, if the book premise sounds good, I'm bound and determined to remember the title, or the author, but sadly often do not! Which is probably just as well as I usually have a stack of "Summer Reads" at the ready.
Heck, even worse than the stack, is the list I carry with me on my iPod, or on notes tucked in my wallet. They often come from book reviews, ripped out of magazines or newspapers. To make matters worse, when my Cousin Mel came for a visit this past Summer, we talked about reading. Big mistake. She gave me this awesome list of potentials and promised to bring me a stack of reads next Summer. Can't wait!
When my husband asks, "do you want to go to Chapters?", I cringe. Cringe because I can never leave that story (did you see what I just typed--story--not store, Freudian slip??) empty handed. I'm obsessed with books. Looking for them, wandering among the shelves, plucking, reading, deciding, buying--stock piling! Just you wait Munroes, best book store ever, in Victoria, I'm coming for a visit soon!
I blame my Mom, who is also an avid reader. We used to trade books all the time, but she's slowed down on her Summer Reading a little, so I usually just lend them to her without returns, returns as in another one to add to my stack!
I think my reading obsession started when my Mom and Dad bought this lovely old house in Kelowna. The previous owners left a ton of Reader's Digest Condensed books behind, and while I couldn't read most of them, I tried. I'd pick out a story that I thought I could tackle, I was only 9 or 10 at the time, and tried to read it, to make sense of the story. Curses on you former owners. That's what started it. Stacks of books! Books! Books! Books!
This morning as I was listening to the Early Edition, Rick Cluff, said that Summer is ending in 25 days.
25 Days?
Gosh, I'm not going to make it with My Summer Reads! I have only just finished Canada, a Novel by Richard Ford, and three others before that. I just cracked open a book about the Mormons, Under the Banner of Heaven, by Jon Krakauer. I still have this stack of books to be gotten through, to be enjoyed, to be explored, be illuminated by, to have adventures with.
Forget the housework,
forget the gardening,
forget everything.
Stop the presses,
Autum is coming,
and I've got me some reading to do.
Gotta go!
Happy Tuesday!
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