Sunday, September 16, 2012

Visiting Vancouver Town

Yesterday My Beloved attended his King Edward 50th High School Reunion.  It was right in the downtown on West Hastings Street.

Yesterday was probably also the last time he and I will drive over the old Port Mann Bridge.  A fabulously expensive, multi- lane bridge is nearing completion and this coming week commuters will being driving on a portion of the new bridge, while they tear down the old one, making way for the freeway to join up at the west end.  It is an amazing mega-million dollar project affecting the entire route from 200th (by our house) all the way into, and beyond, our Grandview Hwy. exit.  New overpasses, new roads, new bridge, new Tolls!  It is a marvel of engineering that's for sure.

 Side by Side but not for long!

Journeying into Vancouver on a Saturday afternoon, took us longer than we had anticipated. So much traffic. The original idea was to drop by Amy and Tyler's for a while, take the little ones for a walk, come back, get the Man of the Hour ready, and then drive him to the hotel.  Instead, we simply stopped off there only long enough for me to feed Annie a bottle while My Beloved got dressed for the Reunion.

We drove down Main Street only to be detoured at 12th for the Street Party going on.

Plan B-drive over the Cambie Street Bridge 
This picture was taken just by City Hall near Broadway.  It is a route we'd taken a zillion times in our youth and many times since, but seeing all of these grey monolithic structures rise up took us both by surprise.

I remember when they rebuilt the Cambie Street Bridge.  

A little known fact:  I took to driving rather late-30 to be precise-and I used to have dreams of driving over the old bridge, but had never done so.  It had probably been widened after it was built, with the result that you had to choose your lane because the bridge supports divided up the lanes and the lanes were very narrow with the 2 lanes under the span running north and south.  In 1985, the last weekend before it was to be demolished, unbeknownst to me, My Beloved thought I should drive over it in our big old Chevy, with the kids sitting in back!  Good thing I didn't know he was going to do that, or I probably wouldn't have even gone into Vancouver to drive over it "for old time's sake!"  But that's My Beloved for you, he didn't want me to have any regrets.  So he pulled over and he said I should drive across it and I did!  Smart Man My Beloved is.  I still thank him for that

Hey, I think that's us in our old Chevy!  Or, my Mom and Dad in the car on the right!  An intimidating drive on a narrow bridge.

 The view driving over yesterday.

 This is the Handsome Man that drove me home from my High School Dance 46 years ago!

After dropping My Beloved off at his Reunion, I drove back over the Cambie Street Bridge and back to Amy and Tyler's.  I sent them off on date night, after they'd been fed and bathed by their Daddy.  I loved up the children, read three stories, chased a speedy little boy, sang three songs, and slipped them into their beds.  After that I ate all sorts of snacks while they were gone. Watched TV, played on the computer, ate more snacks, played on my iPod, ate more snacks and had a lovely quiet evening. 

Just like the old days--except for the computer iPod part!  So good to be back in our old hood.

Happy Sunday!

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