*You infers -- ME!
When, you complain that you liked it better the old way.
Yes, folks, I've been railing against the moon these days about pretty well everything.
For instance: Why is that country road now such a main thoroughfare, and what the heck were they thinking, when they decided to add a strip mall that needs access to get to and from said country road? Idiots!
Yesterday was another fine example.
After visiting the cranberry "patch", we drove into Fort Langley proper. Several years ago the developers got their hands on all of this waterfront property and have gone to "town" with it, literally. The former walk along the river was blocked off for over a year while they developed housing, housing and more housing. Yesterday when we took the dyke walk it took us ten minutes to get beyond all of the townhouses and homes in what was formerly a lovely forested area. Me no likey!
At the end of the dyke walk it veers you onto Allard Road for a piece. A charming road that is changing. It used to be wild patches with Ma and Pa properties where you'd spy organic farms, free range egg stands, little stands with honour boxes for the veggies you'd pick up at the un attended stands, wilderness, a lama or two, some horses and lots and lots of acerage. Bucolic comes to mind.
The above photo was taken 2 years ago just as these owners started an organic garden.
Today, you can barely see in now, but through the openings of the shrubbery we spied the pumpkins!
These mini pumpkins hang from the tree just outside their property. So welcoming and typical of the owners.
Another view from the street. The blueberry bushes are getting ready to shed their leaves.
Just up Allard, across the street, farm fresh eggs. A charming little shed meant for just that purpose.
Sadly these properties are being sold and replaced with Manors-one really named their home that!! Each new one larger and more immense than the last. Too much!
One driveway away from the organic farm we spied this:
The whole piece of land in front of the "house" is covered in black vinyl ready to be turned into a water wonderland of great and immense meant to impress you feature!
I say give me the natural, organic farm any day.
The people of the "manor" right next door also put in a pond, (see it on the right of photo below), but their's is already dwarfed by the new neighbour's. And so it goes!
The people of the "manor" aren't quite finished improving their property. There's a whole wack of wood left to dispose of. We wouldn't want all of nature spoiling their estate. Grrrrrr!
I leave you with a beautiful, serene Fraser River.
Beautiful.Untouched.Peaceful.Owned by Municipality.Thankfully.
Time to get my groove back and say ohm.
Happy Friday! Ohm.
"You can't stop progress!" {Muriel's Wedding. Best line ever.} I hate seeing development happen. It's a fact and developers wanting to get the best deals on land.Then build cheaply! That is such a sweet little area of land they own. Love it all.