This post is very late today because I've been out spending a wonderful day with my beautiful Winnipeg Cousin. I have just said a sad farewell to her as she makes her way back to her hotel before taking her leave of BC tomorrow morning.
Its' been a year since I last saw she and her sis, but we picked right up where we left off like it was just yesterday. It's funny isn't it, how you just click with someone, family or not. Times zones and distances and infrequent visits can't diminish what we share. That's a beautiful thing.
We started out the late morning in White Rock, lunching with my Mom, Mel's last living Aunty. Our mothers were sisters. We then travelled to Surrey, then to our home in The Grove so she and My Beloved could have a wee visit. He took off on a Tuesday evening bike ride, and Mel and I were left to cover almost any topic you'd care to mention, including our love of reading, comparing reads, and the piles of books we have waiting for us.
All in all, a very special day with a very special Cousin.
A Very Happy Tuesday!