Thursday, July 26, 2012

Setting Up

A few days ago I told you I was volunteering in our church office.  The main duty for me has been to produce this Sunday's Bulletin. 

I am also responsible this week for keeping the mail moving, answering telephones, photocopying and responding to e-mails.   I remember doing  alot of these things from my previous life as the Office Administrator in our church.  The cool thing is, there is someone who folds the bulletins, so I didn't  even have to do that.  That, an hundreds of other things that the full-time secretary does and does so well. 

One thing that I had to to do was put up Sunday's Hymn Numbers.  I don't know why, but I love doing that.  Perhaps the organized way in which all of the numbers are segregated into their own units.  Or, how they feel.   Or, picking them out and putting them in order.  Or, centering them on the hymn board. It must remind me of something fun, but I'm afraid I can't tell you just what it is that makes it such an enjoyable task.  

 The well worn box

 Pick me, pick me!

Oh yes, this task sure takes me back a piece. I sure hope I got them all right or else I've caused some major confusion!  I hope you've relived something nice today too.

Happy Thursday.

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