Saturday, September 8, 2012

6 for Sunday

Sunday School and Confirmation begin again tomorrow which is very exciting because that means the 6-Pack will be joining us at Church again.

I have a memory and I wonder, if you went to church with your parents or grandparents, do you remember this scenario?  When it came time to take the "collection" as they used to call it in my day, but today our Pastor says, "we will now receive the Offering"; do you remember what happened?  Usually, an outreached hand would plop a coin into your hand--which you were  expected to--but really wanted to keep for yourself--to put into the offering plate.  Well I'm here to tell you, some things never change.  When the Pastor announces "it's time . . .", out come the quarters with instructions to "take one and pass them down the pew" to the farthest sibling.  It makes me smile as I watch the coins progress, hand to hand to hand to hand to hand to hand.  Oh I've tried giving them ahead of time, but then the task of finding them when the time comes becomes quite the production.  Or as I like to term it, find the hidden coin.  Is it under the jacket? in the hymnal holder? in a pocket? under a bum?, well you get the idea.  We only have so long in the service to get to everyone in the congregation, so handing them out just before still works best.

Coming up with 6 quarters each Sunday isn't always the easiest thing to do, so during the week each quarter I receive in change I put on my dresser.  During the Summer we played a bit of "get prepared".  The picture below gives you an idea of our preparedness.

I wonder how many Sundays this will take us through?

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Sending out a 40th Birthday shout out to our wonderful Son-In-Law Cliff!  Have a great day honey.

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