Saturday, January 14, 2012

In the Cold, Harsh Light of Day

Last night ever so silently, the snow began to fall. 

I can't think of anything any more beautiful than watching the snow fall in the dark night sky.  It's magical.

Taken from our front porch

When I woke up this morning my beloved had already shoveled the driveway, a patch running in front of our property to allow the melting to reach the drain, as well as a marvellous path through the walkway running beside our yard.  He's my hero!

 Was it your fault phony snowflakes? 

My snow angel protecting the spring bulbs on our back deck.

Later on in the day I walked my beloved to the Sportsplex.  Here is a sample of what it looked like along the way.

I am always amazed at how many people travel along the sidewalks, and snow days apparently are no exception.  Please Muni, salt these for us, you can see how well used they are!

 A dad watching his kids slide down the closest and safest nearby hill.

The good, the bad and the ugly of it all!  Thanks neighbour for caring about we walkers!  Nice clean driveway bub, you are a prince among men!  (As this is our regular walk, I know if there are able bodied souls to get the job done, and in case, very able!)
This little lady with her walker is just about to walk over the sidewalk of able bodied man!  How very difficult it must have been for her!  I tried to assist her but sadly she didn't speak any English and she kept trudging onward.

How high's the water momma?

 Someone's going to have a sore something tomorrow!

This sweet little couple were doing it together!  Thanks "elderly" neighbours, you put many to shame.

A long scary block before heading home.

As beautiful as it was last night, I can't wait for it to melt away.  Would you believe, I went out again around 4:30?  By that time the freeze up had started, and while I didn't have any skates on, I was really doing some pretty fancy footwork.  It's going to be a rough few days ahead.

Stay safe everyone, and if you have snow, please take pity on the walkers, and shovel your walks, even if it's only a shovel's width wide!

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